
Martin Eveleigh

Atlas Insurance Management
(704) 945-6620

Martin Eveleigh is the Chairman of Atlas Insurance Management, which he formed in 2002. He has an M.A. from Oxford, where he read Jurisprudence and is a Barrister-At-Law. He is also a Chartered Insurance Practitioner and Associate of the Chartered Insurance Institute. Mr. Eveleigh began his career as a broker in the Lloyd’s of London market in 1983. As Executive Director of the International Reinsurance Division of Willis, he negotiated and placed the largest marine excess of loss programs in the world. While with KPMG in the British Virgin Islands, he became a founding member of the British Virgin Islands Insurance Association. Mr. Eveleigh specializes in designing alternative risk transfer programs – particularly risk pools – and captive structures. He has chaired the legislative committee of the Bahamas International Insurance Association and has drafted legislation and regulatory guidance for Anguilla and Nevis. He currently serves as a Director of the North Carolina Captive Insurance Association and sits on the Alternative Risk Transfer committee of the Self-Insurance Institute of America. He is based in Charlotte, North Carolina.

About Us: Atlas Insurance Management, established in 2002, has quickly become a leader in both the formation and management of captive insurance companies for a diverse clientele. With decades of expertise spread among its senior executives, the firm provides consulting and management services in the major U.S. and offshore domiciles. Atlas is committed to assisting all kinds of enterprises in creating custom captive insurance models for the efficient financing of risk. We enjoy working with our clients, learning to understand their businesses and helping them to appreciate the full scope of their risk environment. Our objective is to match captive insurance and other techniques to strategic business objectives and the client’s appetite for risk. Atlas has worked with all types of captive insurance companies. Team members have structured and managed a full spectrum of programs for property and casualty coverages, (including warranty, workers’ compensation, general and auto liability, marine and transit and medical malpractice) as well as medical, accident, life and annuity business.

Archived Webinars

Recorded Date June 10, 2015  Cost Free Presentation Length 0.0 hours  CPE: Not available (archived webinars do not offer CPE credits)  Subject Area Other  Course Level Basic      Who Should Attend CPA - small firm, CPA - medium firm, Other